The Eyesight Saviours book By Marios Kyriazis, M.D.


The eyesight saviours

A 58 page book about how nutrition can improve and protect your vision.

By Marios Kyriazis, M.D.

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As we grow older, eye problems of all kinds begin to appear, and failing eyesight becomes a real issue for many people.

The two common and important age-related eye problems are cataract and age-related muscular degeneration (ARMD), but there are other potential problems such as glaucoma, presbyopia, etc. These have one thing in common: they are degenerative conditions caused by aging and could be due to factors such as free radicals, glycation ( when sugar molecules attack our proteins and DNA, causing abnormal chemical bonds between individual molecules), and other protein or cell damage. Production of free radicals becomes uncontrolled and these affect proteins, DNA, and cells in our visual organs with a resulting failure of vision. If left untreated, that is


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